Sept 2018 – June 2020
B.S. in Computer Science / UC Irvine – Irvine, CA
- GPA: 3.95/4.00
- Specialty: Intelligent Systems (AI)
- Magna Cum Laude (top 6%)
Languages: Java, Python, C++, C, C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Assembly
Tools: MongoDB, Bootstrap, Unity3D, TensorFlow, Matplotlib, Photoshop
Airplane PathFinder / C++
- Find a path from one airport to the destination airport in the real world
- breadth-first search in a graph structure
Real Estate Database Software / Java
- Built for XingShang Group USA Inc., a company I worked for as an office assistant. Store information for real estate agents, such as a detailed description of properties, customers, reminders, etc.
- password-protected user files
- basic UI design
Sudoku Solver / C++
- Find a solution for any given Sudoku board, from basic 9x9 board to large 25x25 board
- implement varies selection heuristics (Minimum Remaining Values, Least Constraining Value)
- consistency checks (Forward Checking, Norvig checking)
Texas Hold’em Poker Game / Python
- Single-player poker game features AI opponents
- the program can keep track of player performance such as play style and aggressiveness
- multiple levels of difficulties available, by permitting AI with more complex techniques
June 2016 – August 2016
Computer Assembler / AWA Technology Inc – City of Industry, CA
- Build 15 to 20 gaming desktop computer units each day
- Design wire path inside the computer case for better airflow efficiency and cleaner look